Maximize your business revenuewith the power of AI

The first end-to-end customizable AI platform for business

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Query and interact with all of your company data in one place

CRM Automation

Connects with your CRM, Email, Phone, and Video Meeting Tools, Pulls data and automatically pushes the data into your CRM in accordance with your preferences.

Smart Chatbot AI

Internal chatbot with all of your conversational data, Ask questions, make requests, generate reports.

Sales Insights

Instantly find out what works and what doesn’t, common objections, the best rebuttals, why you lose deals, and why you win, which pitches work best.

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The power of AIin the palm of your hands

Check all the AI services for you

Automatic Follow-ups

Let AI automatically follow up with clients based on actual conversations

Support Chatbot

Answer questions, convert support queries to sales, gather data for optimization


Never miss a deal again. Flexx lets you know when to reach out again based on actual data. 


Automate business processes that suck up time and slow down sales such as KYC, document collection, and custom build your own automations! 

Growth your business

Maximize your business revenue with the power of AI


Our pricing.

Check out packages to improve your business


Try free for 60 days, No CC required


Try free for 60 days, No CC required

Contact Us


"Flexx has revolutionized the way we do business. It's like having an AI co-worker that handles everything from tracking customer interactions to providing invaluable sales insights. Our sales team's efficiency and effectiveness have skyrocketed. Flexx is a game-changer!"

Daniel Weis

VP Sales

"As a CRM specialist, I've seen my fair share of tools, but Flexx truly stands out. It seamlessly integrates with our existing CRM, making data management a breeze. The chatbot AI, in particular, has streamlined our customer interactions, making it a powerful asset in our sales process."

Chad Gibbons

Chief Revenue Officer

"Flexx's AI platform has given my business the edge it needed. The sales insights and automatic follow-ups have saved us time and helped us close deals more effectively. It's more than just a tool; it's a partner in our business's success."

Aaron Loeb


Contact us

We’re here to assist you. If you have any questions, inquiries, or would like to learn more about how Flexx can revolutionize your business, please feel free to get in touch with us. Our dedicated team is ready to provide the information and support you need to maximize your business revenue with the power of AI.


New York, Usa

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Monday - Friday : 9:00AM - 6:00PM
Saturday : 10:00AM to 3:00PM

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The first end-to-end customizable AI platform for business


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